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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). Product range suitable for Primary and Secondary Students.
Aquarium Supplies
Air, Water and Soil Test Materials,Hanna Instruments
Balance, Electronic, Digital, AND.( Top quality, very reliable). Full backup service in SA
Balance,Electronic, Digital, Adam. (good and economically priced for schools). Click on the Adam logo on home page for more info.
Biological Test Materials
Biology Equipment General
Dissecting Equipment, high quality stainless steel Metapp
Biological Microscope Slides (1) 76mm x 25mm x 1.2mm. Australian made. Very good specimens.
Biological Microscope Slides (2) 76mm x 25mm x 1.2mm. Australian made. Very good specimens.
Biological Charts, Peter Bachin,Human Anatomy high quality, rigid laminate, full colour,66cm x 51cm
Biological and Health Charts Biocam fully laminated.
Biological Models,3B Germany very durable, quality parts and very detailed
Biological Specimens,Plastomounts, high quality large specimens (Australian made) 50mmx 100mm average size. These specimens are well detailed and labelled.
Bottles, Storage, Glass,Plastic, Jars, (chemical storage)
Chemistry Equipment, General
Chemical Test Strips
Chemicals. All chemicals are LR grade unless indicated AR grade. All conform to the new GHS legislation and guaranteed quality for the best results.
Electrolysis, Conductivity (small scale) electrophoresis
Chemistry Charts
Chemical Molecular Models, Molymod, Genuine U.K Product
Dangerous Goods Storage Cabinets and shelves and trays. Pratt Safety
Earth Science Equipment, Rocks, Minerals, Fossils and Sets. Specimens are approx 50mm x 25mm in pkt/10 unless indicated.Please note some specimens are becoming very difficult to obtain
Electrical Components,Connectors and Switches
Electrical Meters, Multimeters reliable and repairable
Electrical Wire
Glassware General, Borosilicate with High Quality enamelled graduations and inscriptions that do not fade.
Distillation Equipment Australian made (German glass) for the 27bu and 46bu kits.
Globally Harmonised System of conforming labels (GHS)
Hardware, Tools,
Metals, sheets, rods, ball bearings
High Voltage / Low Voltage Lamps, Lamp Holders
Laboratory Equipment General, Australian made is our priority, otherwise sourced from reliable overseas manufacturers and all guaranteed free from defects.
Mamod Model Steam Engines
Microscope Accessories and Magnifiers
Microscopes 2 year warranty, spare parts, service available in South Australia.
Microscopes with Digital Cameras.
Physics and Astronomy Charts
Optical Equipment
Physics Equipment, General, Australian made or sourced from reputible overseas suppliers.
Tubing, PVC ,Rubber Silicone
Safety and Protective Equipment
Solar Energy , cells and kits
Stoppers, Rubber and Cork. (all holed stoppers are drilled to 5.5mm for use with 6mm OD Glass Tubing).
Water Baths, Digital and other quality brands
Primary Science Equipment Items
New Items, grouped here for convenience, but you will find them listed in the individual categories.
Science Charts, Junior School Series,Fully Laminated, 520mm x 760mm
Calcium carbide lumps 20mm 500g
Calcium carbide lumps 20mm 500g
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In Stock
Calcium carbidelumpx 20mm 500g
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