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Chemistry Equipment, General

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Paper Chromatography, 87gsm,20cm x 20cm sheets
Paper Chromatography, 87gsm, 20cm x 20cm sheets, pk/100 ..
Pasteur Pipette, rubber bulb
Bulb, teat Pasteur Pipette, rubber, pkt/50 ..
Ph electrode storage solution, 500ml
Ph Electrode solution. A 500ml bottle of  storage solution for electrodes. Maintains life of..
pH Meter, 0-14pH /0.1ph phep
pH Meter, Hanna digital, pHep 0-14 pH, accuracy 0.1, resolution 0.1. Temperature sensor, automati..
pH Meter, 0-14ph pHep
This Hanna pHep  meter is simple to operate two button operation and ideal for general purpo..
pH Meter, Conductivity,TDS Tester all in one
pH Meter, digital water proof, 0-14 ph resolution 0.01ph, accuracy +/ - 0.05 ph. EC/TDS 0.000..
Ph meter, multi test pH meter, 1-15pH
Multi tester pH meter,1-15 pH,resolution 0.01pH.EC range 0-2000uS, resolution 2-20mS /0.1uS , 1uS..
Pipette Filler, Pi-Pump, 25ml
Pipette Filler, Pi-Pump, Belart,thumb wheel operated, 25ml capacity, acid resistant  ..
Pipette Filler, rubber bulb type 2-100ml
Pipette Filler, rubber ,2-100ml .non corrosive glass valves,synthetic rubber. Removable top ..
Pipette, glass replacement for Polystop bottles 95mm long x 7mm OD ..
Quickfit Clip, 27BU size, PTFE construction pkt/5
Quickfit Clip, 27BU size, 14/23  PTFE construction, for retaining cone and socket, pkt/5, . ..
Salintest Salt Content Meter
The Salintest can help you accurately monitor the concentration of sodium chloride in aquaculture..
Silicon metal lumps 10G
Silicone metal lumps, 10G . 99% pure Ideal for conductivity experiments. This is pure bluish grey..
Sodium Chloride Standard Solution, 500ml
Sodium Chloride solution, 500ml 30g/l  for the calibration of salinity testers. ..
Spectrometer,Flame Emission, Colorimetry, A/A w/RS232 & Software
Student Spectrometer, for the study of Flame emission and Atomic Absorbtion Spectrometry and Colo..
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